A Little Over Two Years

The porch is officially complete and the building permit has finally been taken down from the kitchen window (a protected location where everyone could see it–not a particularly attractive feature).

The inspector was here on the 15th:

There are very strict guidelines in what needs to occupy the lower portion of the porch so small children don’t tumble off the porch or get their heads stuck or whatever. When we built the porch at the other house we didn’t have to abide by those rules except on the steps. We put up very attractive lattice. I think it was up for two days.

This is actually what the porch looks like:

We still need to caulk and put a final coat of paint on and stain the wood but all those things can wait until after the heat and humidity leave us. Of course, there will be lattice under the porch but as you may be able to tell we store the canoe under there right now and so need to start the next project: a shed. Because a garage just ain’t big enough…actually, that’s where the better-half has all his wood-working tools.

We also have plans for the grass area between the porch and the house–hostas, herb garden, a brick landing at the bottom of the stairs and a stepping stone path to connect the pool, porch, back steps, garage door and driveway. All those hardscape supplies are on pallets in the driveway. We’ll tackle that project soon.

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