Do I Really Look That Stupid?

I really need for daylight savings to be over. This waking up in the very dark thing has got to stop. I’m having more days of dark in the morning and dark when I get home. I need one of those to switch.

My boss just was in my office and I’m really having a hard time with her right now. In fact it felt like she just thought I was an idiot. Perhaps I’m just not that interested in the intrigue at our client. I could care less who moved where and why they report to whomever. I care about a few of those folks and wish them every good thing but the minutiae of how they handle their staff is of no interest to me. I used to sit in the belly of that particular beast and have no interest in returning there or even really worrying about folks who are only tangentally related to what I do now. When I follow a conversation just fine but don’t get real excited, it’s not that I’m an idiot but more or less I’m trying to figure out why we’re even having the conversation in the first place.

I think my Master’s program has ruined me at this job. The more I learn the more effed-up I’m finding my own organization. It’s not like this is the first place I’ve ever worked but damn it really is starting to wear thin.

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