
As of today, we have bookcases in the room we’ve been calling the study since we moved in back in 2005. The room is one of the first ones you see when you walk through the front door so it will be nice to finally take all the boxes of books in that room and unpack them. What? Don’t you take 4 years to unpack after you move?

I haven’t seen the bookcases yet and had sort of forgotten what they were going to look like because we ordered them back in December. The better-half sent me pictures and I have to admit, they look pretty good. We asked a local bookcase builder to make them from scratch so they’d fit our space and needs exactly. The better-half and I figure we’re doing our civic duty by stimulating the local economy.

I’ll post before and after pictures later. I already know the change is going to be dramatic.

The before–that hutch top (behind the chair) will be painted and placed on it’s base. We’re going to turn it into a bar/wine rack. I plan on tackling this project in May/June when I have some breathing room:

Here are the empty bookcases. Yes, they came with shelves those are laying on the floor right now:

I spent all day Sunday unpacking books, sorting books and arranging them on shelves. The better-half helped unpack and then we decided it would just be easier for one person to take care of the rest, plus he had something else that needed getting done.

Some of these books have evidently been packed for our entire marriage because there were some neither of us remembered. We also culled a huge number of books–either because of duplication or because when you think about it how many books on farting do you need?

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2 Responses to Bookcases

  1. Liz says:

    Wow, I can’t believe I’ve “known” you that long. We started reading right around the time you were selling your old house and moving into this one.

  2. Frog says:

    Wow! Who knew it had been that long. That’s pretty cool.

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