Very Quick Rant

I’ve been super busy today which is an amazing thing. I ate lunch at my desk and sort of worked while I ate my sandwich–hard to type, read and chew. This is probably only the 3rd time all year I’ve had to do that.

I had a massive stack of paper on the floor waiting to go to the recycle bin and I have not had any visitors today (oh so nice). All of this to say that I was engrossed in what I was doing. Then someone stopped by to ask me something about the people in the office next to me. Their door was shut. The someone blew me off as I stumbled out the answer of who is in there and it’s no big deal they shut the door so we don’t bug each other, you can probably go in. She cut me right the fuck off. Excuse me. I’m working and you just broke my concentration and you can’t wait for me to answer you? WHATEVER.

Also, sick of being called on the phone at home for tech support instead of calling to find out how I am. Only call for tech support or if you need something or to whine about someone else. Wonder why I don’t fall over myself to reach out? Because you don’t give a shit about me. SICK OF IT.

Must get back into my happy space.

Updated: Not to beat a dead horse but this post hadn’t been up more than 5 hours and the phone rang. The caller skipped right past me and talked to the better-half about her damn computer.

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