Baby, it’s cold outside

We woke up this morning without electricity. We have no idea why not, but we assume it’s because the power company can’t handle the demand at 6am in 16 degree weather. Yeah, because they are a power company and demand doesn’t increase in the winter. I’m guessing we were without for three solid hours.

We found out our generator can’t run the heat strips of our HVAC system which is a real pain in the butt. We already knew it wouldn’t run the AC as witnessed by our several day camp-out last June. The better-half built a fire this morning and even though I don’t like waking up without power, I did like having a fire through the morning.

I will say when it is cold outside we find out how poorly insulated our house is. There are many things we like about our house and many things that we despise. One of those things is the CHEAP-ASS BASTARD who built the house. Seriously, from the septic system that had to flow up hill, to the broken seals on windows (yes, they broke those before the people before us moved in. And, yes, no one has fixed them.) to the lack of insulation (or at least inferior R-values) there’s just so much slipshod around here that it ticks us off sometimes. Today I was on the floor in front of the stove and cold air was pouring in from somewhere. No idea where it was coming from because we actually know that area is sealed. Perhaps there’s a big hole behind one of the cabinets. Seems likely.

I know the builder isn’t the only one to blame. Apparently, the county’s building inspectors during the late 90s were high on the same crack pipe as the builders. I can only hope now that every Tom, Dick and Harry can’t get a loan and houses aren’t popping up like mushrooms that someone will think back to when houses were built with pride. Maybe I’m smoking the crack pipe too, but a girl can dream.

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1 Response to Baby, it’s cold outside

  1. Liz says:

    I don’t miss living in a big, drafty house. I mean, I miss my house but I don’t miss the constant fixin’ it needed. Stay warm! Stay by that fire. Is your power back?

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