The simple thank you

Know how I was worried about a co-worker treading on thin ice? She is being ridden hard now to meet deadlines. We’ll see if she can do it.

Here’s something I’ve noticed about her. She doesn’t say thank you to peers. That’s really awful. On Friday, I saved her lame ass from starting a training webinar late. That is not something you do especially when we were at capacity and people had been pouring into the virtual space for over 30 minutes. I started the session and I ran the slides so the participants had no idea that we were experiencing any sort of difficulty.

Then I spent half of Monday editing the recording to remove all signs of her ineptitude. The recording that will be posted tomorrow is very different than the session I originally heard on Friday. I’m positive that I’ll never hear anything about it. Ever. Heck, I was the one thanking our experts who had joined us to answer participant questions. She was going to let them walk out of the room without saying anything. Whatever.

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