Memorial Day

Last night the better half suggested that we go to Anthony’s for a pizza, some salads and iced teas. It sounded like an excellent idea. Anthony’s has been a pizza choice for years. I used to go there when I was a kid and it was the closest pizza place. That was before everyone and their great aunt Bertha moved to town. The shopping center where Anthony’s is a fixture is a laugh. It is really just a bunch of blacktop that no one seems to want to spend the dime and plow under. A few years ago one of the buildings was condemned and had to be torn down…there’s just gravel there now.

The pizza was good and we had two slices to take home for lunch today. Before we left we talked to the waitress who said she thought the sky looked scary. (If you live on the East Coast then you know it has done nothing but rain this month). It was raining when we raced out to the truck and because it has been raining so much lately there really wasn’t a place for the water to go so we had to jump over a pretty good stream to get from the asphalt to the curb and into the truck. On our way home we had to cross the Chickahominy River (which is really just a swamp at that point). The rain was coming down so hard we could hardly see and the right lane (the closest to the swamp and the storm drains) was so full of water that I’m glad we had the truck and not my car. We eventually had to get out of the right lane because the water was so high. Water was flowing so quickly that it was bypassing the storm drains and creating eddies. If I were 6 inches tall I could have launched my boat and sailed for miles.

We’ve been talking about sleeping on our screened porch for weeks now…kind of like camping out but without the bugs, damp ground and a tent. We decided to go ahead and do it last night. We pulled the mattress off the futon and put it out on the porch. We made sure the mattress was as close to the house as possible since occasionally if it rains really hard water streams into the porch. At about 10:30 we decided to turn in. Everything was groovy, but a little louder (the crickets, the wind and the frogs) than we’re accustomed to even though we sleep with the windows open every chance we get. I was having a hard time getting to sleep but then the thunderstorms happened. I guess it heavily stormed for about 2 hours. Lightning, Thunder and huge rain fall. It was loud and scary and cool.

I checked rain totals for the month, unfortunately I slept too late to see the local news (to get the daily total), and we’re just under 7 inches of rain. I guess Mother Nature is trying to balance herself after the drought we experienced last year. The creepy thing about all the rain last night is that our well water is brown…we have a long deep well but I guess the water table is out of whack.

The sun is out right this second. I’m sure that will change in the next second.

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