Yes, Virginia there is a right way

The other day I was on my way to work and I was behind another one of those idiots who doesn’t understand the whole concept of Month vs. Year. In the good old Commonwealth of Virginia when you get a new license plate you have to put your month and year sticker on the plate…the plate is printed with the correct locations so you can’t mess it up. Every anniversary afterwards you put new stickers on. It is not a difficult concept. So, why, oh why, can’t people do this correctly? The latest idiot had 03 in his Month spot and 02 in his Year spot. In case you are rooting for the idiot, the 03 does not mean March it means 2003. My thought on this is if that idiot can’t even do something as simple as apply stickers to his license plate then how in the world did he pass his driver’s test–the written part? Couldn’t he have asked a friend, neighbor or even his dog for help in applying those stickers?

I will say this for the idiot, at least he figured out how to remove his old county sticker instead of letting those pile up on his windshield.

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