Blueberries and Cat

The better-half found two boxes on his mother’s front porch the other day. She had ordered something from QVC on March 20th. She moved on March 26th. She knew she was moving. This move wasn’t a secret. The boxes contained a box of three patio blueberry plants, a sack of dirt and a pot. So, let’s recap. Six blueberry plants, two pots and two sacks of dirt. Shipped to her house after she moved into an assisted living facility. Her room has no outside space attached. She has a window and a narrow sill. When confronted, she just said she ordered them off a gardening show. The better-half told her we opened the plants, watered them and were going to plant them. Her reply was one syllable. It makes me befuddled.

Good looking plants:

In an effort to cut down on the fifty metric tons of junk mail and catalogs we receive, I have started logging our catalogs on the catalog choice site. I am not sure yet if it is working since I just started logging them in February.

Perhaps you remember me writing about the shitstorm that is my MIL’s house. She gets a tremendous amount of catalogs. I’ve started the process of logging her catalogs too. And, no, she doesn’t know I’m doing it. But, since the facility has already said something about how cluttered her room is, I don’t think my actions are going to get any static.

As every good cat will:

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1 Response to Blueberries and Cat

  1. Liz says:

    Simon is such a cutie!

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