Finding Ways To Fill My Time

People have been asking me if I’ve been enjoying my freedom from schoolwork and since I was already the Queen of Lazytown, it’s kind of hard to say Yes. But, it’s true that instead of spending my evenings and weekends reading and writing I’ve had to find other ways to occupy myself. Throwing a party and then recuperating in the hammock were pretty good time killers this weekend.

This afternoon I got home and made two loaves of zucchini bread from scratch with the baseball bat zucchini the better-half picked yesterday. We have no idea how that thing got that big because we’ve been pretty good about picking the garden. We have a crisper full of zucchini and squash right now.

I don’t typically bake and so I’m pretty happy that the bread turned out and we have enough to eat now and freeze for later. We’re also having zucchini for dinner tonight mixed with tomato and onion–from the same zucchini as went into the bread. I’m not kidding when I said the zucchini was the size of a baseball bat. OK, maybe a fat billy club. But you get the idea.

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