Art Festival and a Reuben

Today we went with a friend to the 43rd Street Art Festival. We somehow all managed to not buy anything. We ate lunch at O’Toole’s and I had a delicious reuben, the better-half had a sailor and our friend had eggs benedict. We all like the Forest Hill area and wouldn’t mind living over there. I think if our friend were to suddenly come into loads of cash she might actually consider making the move across the river.

Afterwards, we stopped by a groovy grocery store so we could pick up things for the MIL and then we dropped our friend back off at her place. The house a few doors down from her is for sale so we tromped around on the porch and through the yard to look at it. Our friend had been friends with the owner so she felt perfectly comfortable showing us around. The owner has alzheimer’s and has moved away. I believe he was the original owner of the house back when the fan area of Richmond was just getting populated. The renovation looks good but could be a little better considering the price of the house. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to sell.

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