At the kitchen table

I’m working from home today. We’re having some work done to the house and it’s a three day job. Today is my day to be home to “supervise”-ha!

Most of the work is concentrated on the upstairs this morning so I’m sitting at the kitchen table. This is actually working out pretty well since I have a bit more room to spread out but it is chilly in the kitchen and my desk upstairs is now awash in sunlight. It would be cozier upstairs but a lot noisier.

Working from home has become a lot easier these days as our office voice mail is now available online. I just listened to two messages without having to go get the phone. Technology rocks. And, we’ve finally switched over to Lotus Notes at work. Our remote email service is now hooked into our official-at-our-desks email. What a concept. I’m not sure why we waited so long to use the same underlying email system, but even though it’s been a bit of a challenge to adapt, I appreciate the update when I work from home.

When the workmen got here this morning, the cat was out on the porch soaking up the early morning sun. As the better-half introduced me and we talked to the “inside” guy, the cat looked on in horror. The horror became nearly unbearable for him as the “outside” guy walked by the porch and spoke to him. I haven’t seen the cat since. I think, maybe, he disappeared into thin air from the freak-out.

In completely unrelated news (except they are tied in my head because I only need to come up with 2 more work outfits this week), we’re driving to Hilton Head on Friday for a Saturday wedding. I have no idea what I’m going to wear. We’re happy for the couple but not thrilled about attending the wedding–the travel expense, the time, it’s a second wedding for one of them and yet a big, damn deal is being made. The wedding is taking place on some minor island down there and we have to take a boat to the site. Which means we’re trapped until the boat comes back to haul us off the island. Then we’ll change clothes and get back in the car to drive home. It will be a long day, but we’re just not interested in spending an entire weekend in Hilton Head. Crazy? But no more crazy then making a second wedding akin to royalty being married.

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2 Responses to At the kitchen table

  1. Liz says:

    I hope Simon made it back home safely. I can’t believe I’m up here worried about him, but since he was a stray to begin with, I just hope he realizes not to go far.

    What work are you having done? Sounds serious and detail-y

    Right now, I wish I were on Hilton Head and missed the boat. I may even skip the wedding and just get lost on the island, just long enough to miss the boat!

  2. Frog says:

    He didn’t actually get out…he just disappeared. It was weird one minute he was there and the next he was gone. I think he managed to get into the attic at some point but he’s safe and sound. He’s really ready for the work people to go home. We’re replacing our HVAC system–all new units, some new duct work, etc. We’ve known since we bought the house that the system was failing.

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