Commencing countdown, engines on

I’ve had two really productive days at work and then there’s today. I just can’t get my head into the game. At least there’s only an hour left in my work day…I leave at 4pm.

I’ll be working from home tomorrow and so I hope I can get back into the swing of kicking out some work. I much prefer to be able to look at a project and know I’ve completed X and Y instead of being able to say, “I started X.”

Today at lunch we got on the kick of bemoaning the fact that we’ve entered holiday season. We’re already forced to look at what should be on the bulletin board of a pre-school classroom, but is instead hanging on every bulletin board or glass door–cut-outs of smiling pumpkins dressed as bumpkins, squirrels in straw hats and who knows what the apples are doing.

I’m sure we’ll do something for Halloween and then we’ll move into Thanksgiving, Christmas and whatever lesser holidays are between now and winter break. I’ve already declared that I will be hiding in my office if we have to do another end of year holiday celebration filled with people sitting on Santa’s lap, performing botched carols as a group and eating turkeyham (it’s impossible to tell if the meat on the holiday platter is turkey or ham so I call it turkeyham).

Whatever happened to those good old days when we had after-work Christmas parties with booze (and that one time we actually drank beer and ate tiny hot dogs at the office during business hours)? Oh yeah, the private sector. I’m guessing those are pretty rare these days. But, I’m also guessing that the private sector doesn’t allow smiling bumpkin pumpkins to adorn the front door.

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