Shopping for a Good Cause

Perhaps I’ve mentioned that I don’t like to shop. It’s true. It’s something I do because I have to eat or have clothes or sit on something. Today I went with two co-workers to a monthly sale that a local assisted living facility hosts (every fourth Friday). The money collected goes into a fund that directly helps residents.

Even though we’re not exactly in the holiday season yet, today’s sale was the Holiday Baked Goods and Other Awesome Stuff Sale. They traditionally have this sale in October because the fourth Friday in the following months gets wonky with actual holidays in the way.

I spent $8 on a silver plate item that came from an estate sale where it was originally marked $28. I assume the sale hosts got it for free because it didn’t sell at the estate sale. The tag was really clever with a big ? in dark black and then $8 written below it. When I went to pay for it, a couple of volunteer workers asked me if I knew what it was. I laughed and said, “No. That’s why I’m buying it.” We collectively guessed it was either for sugar or after dinner mints. There’s a little serving shovel like you’d see in the bulk bin at the grocery store and the whole container sort of looks like one of those shovels but with handles and a foot. I’ll see about posting a picture when I get home.

One of the co-workers who went with me is someone I don’t really care for and as it turns out I found out she has horrible taste (this sentence practically wrote itself). It’s really hard for me to get excited over cutesy stuff and that really seems to drive her. I had to keep making noises about how something was cute which tore at my soul a little. Because unless you are a small child, a puppy or a kitten I’m not going to call you cute. I’m certainly not interested in calling bowls, jewelry and other trinkets cute.

Here’s the sugar bowl:

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2 Responses to Shopping for a Good Cause

  1. Liz says:

    I’m picturing that bowl full of butter mints that they used to have in “fancy restaurants” when I was a kid.

  2. Frog says:

    I love those mints. They’d go well in there.

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