All Quiet on the Eastern Front

Wow, nothing since last Friday and that entry wasn’t much on original content. Oops.

We had dinner last night at Bouchon. I indulged in sweetbreads and mussels. The better-half had country pate and leg of lamb. Our friend got the steak. We ate like kings. I also had a martini with Lillet. I’m going to have to pick some up next time I’m in a sweet booze store. Quite tasty.

I also think we’re going to attempt to make a country pate. The better-half has ordered it twice recently and both times it’s been damn fine. It always makes me happy to see cornichons on a plate, but the pate has been very nice too.

I’ve been working on a course at work–turning it from instructor-led to elearning and I’ve been highly unmotivated about it. Some days it feels like I’d rather have my finger nails pulled out then to write more than 50 words. I finished it today and did the fist pump at about 3:45 this afternoon. Tomorrow I need to read it through, fix any errors and then send it off to be read by the subject matter expert. Then, I’m off to the next course.

A funny thing happened today when a co-worker was helping me come up with things that were wrong answers to an interaction I was working on and she kept mentioning that I should ask so-and-so if that was what such and such policy said. Every time I said, yep, that’s still correct. Because so-and-so hasn’t done dick with policy in years. I’ve been the one keeping up with it. Nice that people still don’t trust me to know the policy surrounding the work they love. I’m still a square peg in a round hole.

Whatever. I made a batch of cookies when I got home and that put things right.

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