Category Archives: Thinking

Anniversaries and good byes

I celebrated my work anniversary at the beginning of the month. I’ve worked at the place for eleven years. This is the longest I’ve worked anywhere. It feels good. This year, though, is a time of change for the place … Continue reading

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New York trip

A few weeks ago I took the train north to NYC to visit my oldest niece (known on these pages as Nut1). She has been working at an internship all summer and I thought it would be fun to visit. … Continue reading

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In the new column

For the better-half’s birthday I bought him an Ooni pizza oven. In our first session, we had a crispy critter but we are getting better at cooking at such high temperatures. After paying for a rack for our car, in … Continue reading

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Marching right outta here

Man, March has been windy as hell and today there were tornado warnings all over the area. I ended up sitting in a stairwell at work for what seemed like forever but was probably more like 45 minutes. The better-half … Continue reading

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Christmas Time Was Here

On the whole, our Christmas was very nice. We spent time with what I will call the cool kids on the better-half side of the family. It was a smaller gathering than usual because of COVID and the passage of … Continue reading

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She was pretty special

The better-half’s aunt died a week ago and we went to her memorial service on Saturday. It was a nice day and the church is small so they set up tables outside. Because, there was a lot of food afterwards … Continue reading

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Ho Hum

It was rainy and overcast this weekend so we did not go to the Richmond Folk Festival. We should have braved it because the only item of note this weekend was washing our outdoor cushion covers. Yeah, boy. The fun … Continue reading

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Long weekend

We took a long weekend trip to Blacksburg recently. It was really nice to get away. A brewery opened since we were last there and so our first evening we drank a couple of beers and grabbed some pizza (we … Continue reading

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25 years

We celebrated our 25th anniversary a little differently this year. My parents invited us over for dinner on the Saturday before. It was nice to hang out. They are fully vaccinated and we are getting our second shot in early … Continue reading

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Thank Goodness

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