
I’m not at work today. I wasn’t at work yesterday either and my calendar reminder for this week came up and reminded me to “thank the Lord that I’m off this week”.

We were having lunch yesterday and saw a guy get tossed. Apparently something went down a day or so ago and he’s been banned from the restaurant until he talks to one of the long-time waitresses who doesn’t get back to work until Wednesday. I’d love to know that story. I had a steak and cheese and drank my weight in iced tea. So good.

I had a can of Campbellā€™s Select Harvest Light Maryland-Style Crab Soup today for lunch on the recommendation of a long-term friend of the mother of the better-half’s long-term friend. I really think if the word crab appears in the title of the soup that crab should be an ingredient. I think what they meant to call the soup was “A Crab Skittered Past The Factory Soup”, but the marketing department decided that wouldn’t sell. Truth be told there was some crab in the soup if you looked very carefully. Mostly it was tomato and potato soup. It was OK but I won’t be seeking it out again.

Today I primed the piece of furniture that we’ve been working on in fits and starts for awhile. It was a Hoosier knock-off that my sister had and she gave it to us when she revamped her kitchen. The cabinet will eventually be red on the outside and khaki on the inside. The khaki is done and now the primer is drying. Maybe by the end of the year we’ll have the piece finished. It will eventually end up in our study as a bar.

I think a shout-out is necessary for Becoming. She’s a PhD today. Congratulations.

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1 Response to Randomly

  1. wendy says:

    thanks for the shout-out…. It’s a bit surreal it’s over.

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