Soup and Sandwich Night

It is not only raining (again) but the wind is blowing and it is cold. I just had to tromp out to the garden to cover up the cold frames because the automatic mechanism is still in the garage. This is not, despite what it looks like, a nag on the better-half. It’s just that we have had other stuff going on so slapping the plexiglass sheets down at night is what we do and ordinarily it isn’t a big deal but it was very dark when I got home because I actually worked late today (the horrors!) and cold and rainy and because of the 9 inches of rain we’ve already had this month, there’s serious mud in the garden. And. Just because I didn’t use enough ands in that sentence, I’m going to speckle some more around. And.

I worked late because I observed a pilot training today and we always debrief afterward. This is a good part of the pilot because the writer, trainer and observers of the course get to talk about what worked or didn’t and if a trainee misbehaves we get to talk about that too. We had an energy suck in the room today and the trainer handled her pretty well.

Anyway, I had to sit next to a co-worker that I’m not fond of mainly because she’s a lazy sack of shit (look it up in the dictionary AND there she is). She and I took a MEd class together. My first one and her last one. I worked in a group with her and she lied to the professors and lied to us and didn’t do her work. AND! The bonus is that I also have to be nice to her since I work with her, but still lazy sack o’shit. And! She brings up that class all the time like we bonded. Um no.

So, tonight I will be whipping up a batch of soup that uses two honeycrisp apples that I bought for The Niece when she spent the night recently but she didn’t eat. It also has butternut squash and some sour cream or yogurt whichever I happen to have. Soup and sandwiches will make up for having to sit next to that person today and for the icky wet I just had to endure in the garden.

The sandwiches may or may not include a slice of the country pate we made over the recent holiday. We used the Bourdain recipe from the Les Halles cookbook. The butcher was happy to see us because we bought all kinds of nasty bits.

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2 Responses to Soup and Sandwich Night

  1. Liz says:

    I can’t walk to the compost bin without sinking up to my ankles in mud these days. It’s supposed to rain again tomorrow. By the way, I love those honey crisp apples. I’ve never had juice run down my arm with other apples. Mmmmm…

  2. Frog says:

    Yep, I’m sick of sinking into the ground too. It’s getting ridiculous. It was everything I could do not to snap at someone the other day who said we could use the rain. She’s evidently been living under a rock.

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