Content? What’s That?

Yeah, I’ve been MIA lately. I’ve been trying to catch up on fun reading, re-runs of Dr. Who (I’m a rebel and like all the recent doctors) and not even checking the blog for spam. There were three pieces waiting for me to pitch them.

I heard this on the internet radio station I listen to when my MP3 player loses power (liked it–the video, meh):

If Lastfm wasn’t so finicky about a good internet connection, I’d listen to that more often, but no. It demands a better connection than I have at work. In an office park. In the year 2010. I swear there’s a tin can and a ball of string on our roof.

Today is my last day in said black hole for a week. I’m working from home tomorrow and then all next week I’m telecommuting from my secret lair in the other part of the state. I’ve been quite busy this afternoon grabbing files for anything I might even remotely think to work on in the next week. It’s a lot of files, but better to be prepared then have to sit and rotate.

Yesterday I nearly had a melt-down at work with all the people not doing their jobs. There’s only so much a girl can take in one week. Just as I was about to unleash the hounds, my entire team turned to look at me and said, nearly in unison, “You mean people are supposed to do their jobs? We thought that was a myth.” That made it better because I knew it wasn’t just me expecting the best out of people and not getting it. We’re all getting mediocre and that’s the new black, apparently.

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