If it weren’t for bad news, we’d have no news at all

We just heard that there’s a possibility that if the governor announces he’s taking the proposed 6% budget cuts from state agencies (he asked for 2%, 4% and 6% plans) that our organization will absolutely be dissolved and the activities we perform will be folded into the agency that pays our grant. It’s debatable if we’d be hired within that agency.

I worked for that agency as a contractor for about five years and it’s been a little over five years since I worked there. The wounds from that gig haven’t healed. I just recently pulled the last knife out of my back.

We find out on Friday what the governor plans on doing. Friday is my last day of work for the year…I’m taking vacation time and the university closes for a week for winter break. You can bet I’ll be checking my email for news.

Of course, the governor could take the 2% or the 4% budget cuts and then a Request for Proposal will go out and we could either win our contract back or not. If not, then we’re all out of jobs. Our organization has been in business since 1990. That’s a lot of history to flush.

See? All bad news, all the time.

Found out the agency that pays our grant is taking $1Million in administrative costs haircut. Can’t help but think that includes us.

12/17/10-Found out today that we won’t know anything until February when our General Assembly meets and approves the budget amendments. It’s really not looking good for us. Merry f’ing Christmas.

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1 Response to If it weren’t for bad news, we’d have no news at all

  1. Maria says:

    WTF? That is just stinky! Let me know if you want to have a girls night out so you can vent!!!

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