
Yeah, I’m throwing this post up because it’s been so long. There’s just not much going on and at the same time so much is going on.

Work is still a pain in the neck. Latest developments are that the person now in charge has said, “hold up, let’s really look at what the budget says”–really, this is the first time someone thought to do this? No idea on how long that will take, but it had better be quick. I went to a retirement dinner on Monday. Someone in my unit is so close to announcing her new job–she’ll be elsewhere by April–and who knows who else has a foot out the door already. We’re pretty small already so anytime someone leaves it’s a big deal. When the person in my unit leaves, we’ll have a huge hole in one program area and a decent sized hole in another.

In other news, I thought of a project I can work on that will be my dissertation look-alike. I’m meeting with my advisor after spring break to discuss. I hope she’ll be able to help me set it up. I think its a viable idea, but I need some help in fleshing it out and actually finding someone with whom I can work. I can’t keep relying on the workplace for my school projects. I have two projects going on now and, really, the organization tanking isn’t helping. Tanking=no more projects at workplace and it was time to move on from that anyway.

Next week is spring break and I’m taking the entire week off from work. I’m so looking forward to it. I think it will help with my mood to be away from the drama for a little while. I know it will help our yard as I’ll be working on getting that back into some semblance of green. Last year’s drought kicked our pathetic little yard right straight into the gutter. I don’t really care if we have a perfect lawn, but at the same time I want something greenish…so weeds are fine just as long as it isn’t mud.

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