Happy Things

Last night we made a shrimp dish and a rice dish from the Rick Bayless book Mexican Everyday (I could do that). We ramped up the chipotle peppers because we were living dangerously and I think next time we’ll settle for 1 or 2 small ones because 3 good sized ones were a little over the top.
spicy shrimp

The other day when I got home I noticed our phlox in the flower bed from hell were blooming. I can’t tell you how happy this has made me:

That bed has the unfortunate problems of pine trees, poor soil, extreme sun and, well, there’s a reason it’s called the flower bed from hell. Nothing does particularly well there. I planted the phlox last spring and am really quite glad that most of the plants survived and some are blooming.

Really, this is thrilling:
Happy phlox

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3 Responses to Happy Things

  1. Liz says:

    I have never, ever been able to get phlox of any kind to grow anywhere. I don’t get it either since I see it growing all over the place. Very pretty.

  2. Frog says:

    I got home the other day and the blooms were gone. That’s what I get for celebrating!

  3. Liz says:

    Yeah, that’s usually how it works.

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