Fig Tart and Garden News

Our fig bush is producing right now and we’ve had this idea to create a savory tart out of figs and a puff pastry sheet that’s been languishing in the freezer.

Today we took some garlic and rosemary and heated them in olive oil and added about a dozen sliced figs. We stirred that around until it turned into what looked like pie filling, adding a bit of water to help things out.

Then we spooned that mixture over half of the rolled out puff pastry and then I added a bunch of goat cheese. We folded over the other edge of the pastry and sealed it.

We baked it for about 20 minutes and let it cool a bit before we sliced two pieces. The better-half decided that some drizzled honey should be added to help with the sweetness factor. He’s the one with the sweet tooth in the family. The honey was a good addition and I added it to the recipe when I jotted it down (well, I typed it, but you know what I mean).

In other fresh vegetable news, we pulled up all but the roma tomato plant this morning. The hurricane last weekend didn’t do any favors to the already pathetic garden and the tomatoes had pretty well stopped producing anyway. We still have the pepper plants and I am once again impressed with how well the serrano peppers do here. Tomorrow, I’m making pesto to freeze.

I’m thinking of pulling at least some of the annuals out of the pots around the pool and starting lettuce seed. The plants are about done anyway and lettuce does so well in pots. I’m going to have to cage the pots, though, to keep the stray cats out of them. God knows that’s not the kind of fertilizer we want.

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2 Responses to Fig Tart and Garden News

  1. Liz says:

    I miss having a garden so much.

  2. Frog says:

    We’re actually thinking of abandoning most of the garden. It is too big and too weedy. We’ll have to pull up some of the fence and move it to protect the asparagus and the fruit bushes, but other than that I’m not sure what we’ll keep out there. I have used the lawnmower on the grass/weeds in the garden so much this summer just so we could walk out there…and most of the produce just doesn’t do well. Sad. But, I have hope for what I put in pots over the weekend.

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