Feels Good

The other day I had a doctor’s appointment and while I was waiting to have some blood drawn, this song was on the radio:

I said to the lab tech that it had been a long time since I heard the song. She gave me a small smile. Probably because she heard the lead-in to the song that Heavy D had died. Dang, I wish I had known at that moment.

Although she left out that news, she did have an interesting theory about my notoriously bad experiences with blood draws. She didn’t think it was my veins rolling over or acting the fool, but that my skin is tough. She said once she realized that fact that it was easy to reach the vein. I have no idea what that means but if I can tell techs over the next gazillion years about this theory and it reduces all the horrifying bruising then it works for me.

Earlier this week, two organizations called me about interviewing. I accepted both offers but this morning I declined one. It was with a state agency and a few years ago I would have been thrilled to interview for such a position. Now, I’d rather exhaust my other options. I’m still working on the details of the other interview but I can tell you it is 1 1/2 days. I have never interviewed for more than an hour or two. I can’t imagine what is going to be covered in 1 1/2 days of interviewing.

Of course, with interviewing comes the task of making sure I have the appropriate attire. I can muster a suit. I have one that I’ve had for years. It still looks good and I feel confident in it. It’s a basic black and hasn’t failed me yet, but I can’t wear it two days in a row. So, today I ventured out to the mall. I am a horrible shopper and I can’t stand racks of clothes smashed together. So, I didn’t buy anything (this is my second attempt in the last couple of months).

I ended up online and I hope the things I ordered look good and fit well. I also bought a pair of shoes and I’m sure they’ll be on my front porch tomorrow afternoon. Zappos rocks.

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