And, they are back

The kitties came home this morning. As usual, they were a little nuts after being in the cages. Fuzzy tends to unleash a torrent of solid or liquid every single time he is in the cage. Joy. But, Anna Mae is a lady and waited until the facilities were available.

I just spent some time in the room with them. Fuzzy is much calmer and Anna Mae is obviously feeling a bit exhausted from all the excitement and the surgery. She’s such a sweetheart.

I took some bad photos of them with my camera phone. The phone just doesn’t do justice to her silly face:

Most of the time she looks like she’s spent some serious time with Snoop Dogg in the green room.

And, here’s Fuzzy post-cheese snack (he’s much more chill after some love and some cheese):

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2 Responses to And, they are back

  1. Liz says:

    Is Anna Mae related to Jim?

  2. Frog says:

    Same mother, different litter.

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