And, they are off

The two cats we hope are going to my sister’s spent the night inside and just left to have their final round of shots and the spay/neuter thing done.

One of the cats, Fuzzy, acts like he lives here so gathering him up last night for the quarantine was no big deal. I felt a bit bad because he was sleeping under the dining room table, as usual, and I woke him up to carry him upstairs to the (gutted) guest bedroom. If he had been the only one going today, we would have let him roam free all night, but his sister is not accustomed to being inside so she needed company.

Anna Mae, Fuzzy’s sister, was OK on the transport in the better-half’s arms up to the bedroom. When the door shut behind us, she was not happy. She went a little nuts and that got Fuzzy all riled up. They were insane for about 10 minutes. Anna Mae ran around the room and identified the litter box, the sisal scratcher, the water bowl, the sweet new bed, the blankets on the floor, whatever and then came right up to one of us to tell us about the COMPLAINT she had about being stuck in the room.

Then she jumped on top of the dresser, eyed the ceiling fan as if she fancied a ride and then told us about the COMPLAINT she had about the confinement.

We both managed to get out of there and finally they settled down. I bought one of those feliway diffusers so I hoped that helped chill them out. Or maybe because they could no longer register a COMPLAINT, it took all the fun out of being nuts.

When they get back from the vet, Anna Mae will start staying inside more. We’ll see how she does. Right now, I know that’s not her favorite thing, but she’s such a good cat that I’m sure she’ll adapt. Even while she was telling us about her COMPLAINTS she was also willing to get a lot of love. And, this morning, when we went in she was thrilled to see us and got in on the snuggling before she remembered she hates being in the cat carrier.

Anna Mae’s name comes from a friend of ours who has an aunt with that name. The name cracked us up so much that it stuck to the dopey looking kitten. Now that she’s grown up she’s still pretty dopey looking, but is such a sweetheart that we can’t imagine calling her something else (the aunt is, apparently, not known for her sweetness). Of course, my sister may change their names, but she’ll always be Anna Mae to us.

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3 Responses to And, they are off

  1. Liz says:

    I think the girl cats make the best complainers anyways. I’m sure your nieces will be thrilled with their new pets!

  2. Frog says:

    The better-half says the same thing. She is really vocal about how she doesn’t like something.

  3. Maria says:

    The kitties will remain with their given names! The girls are thrilled and ask each morning at breakfast when the kitties will come home! We will go this weekend to the store to load up on kitty treasures!

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