It’s that time of year or wherein I ramble

It’s a bit early, I suppose, but I’m in the throes of the sprint to the end of the semester. I am writing two courses and have to defend myself in April. One of the courses I’m working on is for use by the university’s faculty/staff. And, if that’s not enough pressure, it’s also the thing that I’m going to use to help defend myself. Am I babbling? Probably.

One course is just that…3 credits, peers will review my work, we’ll all come up with evaluation plans for our courses and then we get a grade. I’m assuming the professor will get around to finally looking at my work. He hasn’t said a thing since late February and something like 4 submissions ago. Did I mention that I’m learning Dreamweaver too so I can produce the course? I’m so confused about containers, tags, divs, blah-the-freakin-blah.

The course for faculty/staff is my job this semester and it happens to be the last of my credit hours. I won’t actually finish this one until after I graduate. Funny how that stuff works. I have to have a pretty serious demo ready the third week in April which is also the week I talk to my committee about letting me graduate. I have no idea how to prepare for that hour-long meeting. I suppose I should find out what sorts of questions will be asked so I have a clue. I have a feeling they’ll review my design document (which my professor was THRILLED* with a few weeks ago) and then talk about what decisions I’ve made in relationship to content and instructional strategies. Who the hell knows. I haven’t even met two of the professors on my committee–although one is that professor I mentioned above that hasn’t given me feedback in a month. I think I’ll skip asking him about that.

So, what else is new? I ordered a handmade bracelet for Niece1′s birthday and the maker is MIA. I’ve filed a complaint and am in the process of getting my money back. A new gift is on its way to the niece now. She was very sweet about not getting a gift to unwrap at her party. That kid is a good one. I think we should keep her.

Tonight we’re going to a restaurant that just opened in town. It’s run by a guy who is kind-of famous. He’s had restaurants in several cities which get amazing reviews, but he never stays anywhere very long. I hope by going on a Tuesday night we’ll not have a problem with getting a table. Can you guess that I’m not fond of standing around waiting?

Later this week it’s our sixteenth anniversary. The better-half is also a good one and I think I’ll keep him too.

*The caps on THRILLED are necessary because she was very pleased with the whole package. It seems crazy that she’d be that happy about it, but she was.

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2 Responses to It’s that time of year or wherein I ramble

  1. Maria says:

    You go girl!!!

  2. Liz says:

    Happy Anniversary!! I will not stand in line for ANYTHING!!! Unless it’s a bathroom and I really have to pee and then, even then everyone in line will know how absolutely awful it is to stand and wait for anything at all.

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