Really bad photos and a walk around the yard

Yep, I took photos with my cell phone in some of the harshest light. Just for you. Because I’m too lazy to take the real camera outside and wait another hour for the sun to become softer.

The garden, appropriately marked:

I actually weeded, fertilized and watered yesterday. Really. Some of those weeds are still attached to their roots and others were severed with the stirrup hoe. They’ll die soon enough.

Our first tomato:

Those beans that I transplanted out of the compost appear to be bush beans and they are flowering:

Let’s look at the fruit, shall we?

Here are the blueberries from the plants that the better-half’s mother bought and had delivered to her house the same week she moved to assisted living. I mention this not to be mean (really), but to show that I’m not crazy when I say she has the ability to drive us insane at times. Anyway, these plants are actually producing fruit this year:

I ate this raspberry:

The blackberries will be here soon. We trimmed the heck out of the bramble this year and you can hardly tell. I think the blackberries liked the haircut:

Here are some baby grapes. I don’t know if these will be white or purple grapes. Last year they didn’t last long enough for us to see them ripen (we have both but I can’t remember which is which). I think if the grapes go south that I might grab some of these leaves for cooking:

As I came around the house, Jim meowed to me. When he realized I had the camera, he declined to show his face:

Simon can only be described as a grumpy old man who loves sitting in the shade of the maple tree:

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1 Response to Really bad photos and a walk around the yard

  1. Maria says:

    I love the picture of Simon! He really does look like a grumpy old man!

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