Food Weekend

Yesterday morning I felt like crap. Some funky stomach thing going on. I started to feel better in the early afternoon and so ate 2 chili dogs. What? Isn’t that what you do after feeling like crap? As it turns out, that’s not the smartest choice when easing your way back to gastrointestinal happiness. By dinner, I felt like crap again. Go figure.

We made chicken meatballs for dinner. They were darn tasty even though I had the thought of “why am I eating” all through dinner. The recipe calls for ground chicken and instead of using fresh chicken, we thawed packets of leftover roasted chicken and smoked chicken (the smokiness smelled good but did not contribute any flavor to the end product). We used the stand mixer’s grinder attachment to grind the chicken. The meatballs were a bit dry, but very tasty. We definitely want to make these again and will use fresh chicken next time. Probably a mix of thigh and breast meat. I’m not sure how you feel about dark meat, but it would be superior in this recipe. You want a little fat and you want the meaty goodness thigh meat brings.

This is the better-half’s dish about halfway through:

Without any sort of segue, here’s what we had for dinner Saturday night:

Have you had these before? They are usually served as appetizers, but we ate them as the main dish. They are oysters wrapped in bacon and are usually called Angels on Horseback. Sometimes the oysters are smoked, but we used the other half of a pint jar of oysters. Friday night we had fried oysters and decided to show some restraint and not fry all the oysters.

The Angels are very easy to prepare. We took some applewood smoked bacon and partially cooked it. Then we cut the bacon slices into thirds (but should have made it halves) and wrapped it around the oysters. We broiled these until they were ready, less than 10 minutes in the oven. I really don’t remember, but it wasn’t long at all.

I tried every hot sauce in the house with the oysters and, strangely, the better-half did not put hot sauce on anything (I know, what’s up with that?). My verdict is the Angels are best plain, but the green hot sauce from Guatemala was the best of the bunch.

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1 Response to Food Weekend

  1. Liz says:

    Chicken meatballs, yum! I would have been content with that and then you threw in oysters and bacon.

    I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I hope your summer is going well, despite power outages and record breaking heat.

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