Lo, they built a table

Yesterday afternoon my sister brought Niece 2 over for her first sleepover with us without her sister. I’d have to say we all had a really good time and it was especially nice to see Niece 2′s true personality. Which makes it seem like she’s hiding it when she’s usually with us and I don’t mean that. But, she’s the little sister and sometimes it’s just all about the competition with her sister.

Niece 2 is an unabashed fan of bacon so the first thing we did was make a batch of bacon and maple ice cream. She cooked the bacon until there was a grease pop and her finger got the brunt of the burn. Then, she was in charge of stirring the custard ingredients. We had bacon and maple ice cream with a side of bacon this morning for breakfast. The three of us agreed that I’d alter the recipe to up the amount of bacon and make sure we kept the maple syrup under control. The recipe called for 2 1/2 cups, but I only had 2 cups of syrup and we all agreed any more would have taken the ice cream in another direction. Yes, we had that conversation. For reals.

We had an early dinner at a local hot dog restaurant and then played a round of miniature golf. The Niece didn’t win, but she was the only one who managed a hole-in-one. Pretty excellent. To top off the evening, we went for a nighttime swim and used the “disco” light at the end of the pool. It was the first time this season the better-half and I had been in the pool at night and I remembered how fun it is to be out there when the first stars appear and the bats are hovering over head.

At one point after Niece 2 and I got in bed (first time spending the night alone–need the aunt to be there) there was an outbreak of the giggles. The better-half asked me about it later and I think it was just the giggles of someone who didn’t want to go to sleep, but they were contagious nevertheless. Little kid giggles are the best.

This morning the better-half and the niece went into the garage and built a table out of scraps. The niece cut the legs and helped to affix them to the top.

Turned out pretty well:

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2 Responses to Lo, they built a table

  1. Maria says:

    She had a blast! She has talked non stop about her sleepover! Thanks for being the best aunt and uncle ever!!!

  2. Liz says:

    That sounds just about perfect.

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