
Over the weekend, as we flipped the calendar into September, I made a decision. I’m tired of waiting on a college or university to decide that I’d be a fabulous employee. The weak response I’ve had so far either means that I’m very unqualified or their mindset is if you’ve never been an instructor in a higher-ed environment then you must be kidding us about working for us in any capacity. Funny, that I used to work for a university and didn’t have to regale anyone with stories of those damn freshmen. Rolls eyes.

We have COBRA for six more months and then something needs to change because I prefer health insurance that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Working for a university really made me appreciate HUGE health plans with lots of members and the power that brings.

Bring on the corporate environment! That was a pretty good life oh so many years ago. Could be again. And, since I already know everyone is going to be out to screw me because I’d be a) new and b) an employee then all will be A-OK. Cynical? Yes. But, really, what company doesn’t want to screw their employees so that the bottom line is enough to let the CEOs roll into work on their high horses?

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1 Response to Decisions

  1. Liz says:

    Makes sense to me! Onward and upward with the, uh…er…screwing!!

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