Wasn’t that a mighty storm?

So, you may have heard that the East Coast is entertaining a guest named Sandy. We prepared by taking the trash and recyclables to the dump, the better-half hit the wine store, I made oatmeal raisin cookies and we sold our first born cat to pay for generator gas. We also moved the vehicles into the garage and I’m proud that we’ve been able to keep the garage pretty darn free of clutter over the last month or so:

All day Sunday we waited for something to happen. Nothing did. We made a bet about when we’d lose power and when we’d get it back. I’ve already lost the “when we’d lose power” category and the better-half’s designated time is fast approaching (I wrote that sentence at 11:36pm 10/29).

Now it’s Monday morning and the rain has finally arrived in full-force. I’m looking out over the pool and the cover pump is having a hard time keeping up right now. That means there’s more water falling than it can pump so it’s behind and partially submerged. The wind is mostly gusty and, knock on wood, we haven’t had any trees come over. I know we’re all supposed to be in our bunkers by now shivering with fear, but it just doesn’t seem that bad in Central Virginia. Of course, as soon as I publish this all hell will break loose. I’m sorry.

Lost power at 4:44pm today and it was back after 3 long minutes ;)

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