
For Christmas someone in the better-half’s extended family gave me a plug-in fragrance defuser thing. You know, like one of those Glade things, only this was some other brand that I’ve never heard of and it really doesn’t matter. We use one of those things in the guest bathroom because that’s where the litter box is. I tend to buy the “fresh linen” scent because it is subtle but does the trick of masking cat deposits.

I plugged the gift into an electrical socket and after about five minutes unplugged it and threw it into the kitchen trash can. It was so overwhelmingly cloying that I thought we might both end up with aneurysms. After a little while in the trash can, the better-half swore at the stench and took the bag out to the super can. It sat in the super can for a couple of weeks. This past Saturday we took all the trash and recyclables to the dump. When the better-half put the super can on the truck, we could still smell that plug-in thing–it overpowered a month’s worth of trash. How in the hell did anyone from the manufacturer to the person who gave me the thing think I could possibly use that in my house?

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2 Responses to Smelly

  1. Maria says:

    Hopefully they didn’t give it to you as a “take a hint” that you or your house stinks? Yikes!!! I use the fresh linen as well and it does the trick for our sitnky kitty box!

  2. Frog says:

    They’ve never been over here. I think she got a bunch for cheap and just passed them out. I threw something in the outside trash can yesterday and it still smells like that stuff.

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