Am I supposed to post something here?

Well, things have been busy. Mostly the only thing I have been able to think about posting is a rant. My rant isn’t very well formed but here it is anyway:

Have you ever noticed how GD tone deaf some folks are on Facebook? For instance, your friend posts that they had a wonderful time at X and they link to X. Then some dumbass friend comments, “where were you”. FOR CCCCCCCCHHHHHHHRRRRRIIIISSSTTT’s sake, you stupid mook.

Or another one I like: A local brewery uses Facebook to tell their followers which food truck will be in the parking lot on whatever evening. Then some idiot says, “where’s that restaurant”. It makes me want to hunt them down and assault them with the beer bottle they’ve obviously been sucking on way too hard.

Feel free to add your own peeves into the comments.

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