Addled mind

So, I’ve been at the new job for four days now and I’m deep in onboarding training. Some of it is highly interesting and some of it makes me want to take a nap. Pro tip: Do not sleep at your desk. No matter how boring the videos or training content might be. You must not sleep.

In the plus column, I’m being treated as a full-time employee rather than as a contractor. So, I’ve already alerted the media that I’m taking a few hours off in March for various reasons. My manager is cool like that. I have no idea how the contracting company will feel about it, but I don’t know that I need to tell them. If I make up the hours, they won’t know. A conversation for next month.

On the drive home today I was deep in thought about ways to get home from the office. I was so engrossed that I missed the exit I have taken for years. I had to go about 10 minutes out of my way to get turned around. I actually had to take a completely different highway to get home. When I told the better-half, he commented that I found another way home. Ha!

Actually, I was thinking about ways to avoid the immediate interchange and bridge because that bridge is not long for this world. I suspect when a major project is finally completed a few miles down the road (dear god let it end) that the Shockoe Valley bridge will be next. It has been patched so many times that the patches have patches. A couple of years ago as some patches were being laid down, a co-worker and I joked about how we could see through the bridge. Not a comforting thought when you are sitting in traffic.

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