Melted into a puddle

It is possibly 1000 degrees outside with 99% humidity. There’s a breeze so that’s nice. But, I just waltzed around the kitchen mostly naked–dress shoes, bra, panties and jewelry. You are welcome for that visual. It’s because we went to a memorial service today for the better-half’s great aunt. We stood outside for about an hour and then went to a church’s fellowship hall for lunch. The church is tiny and they do not have a heavy-duty air conditioning system. So we sweated some more.

Even with all that sweating, it was a really nice mid-day/early afternoon. I only met his great aunt once, maybe twice. She lived in Massachusetts, but I’ve heard stories about her for years. Like her sister, Grandma Pizza, the better-half’s great aunt was a character. She sounds like a totally different kind of character than Pizza, I’d call them sunshine and lightning. Pizza being lightning–fierce at times, but really cool to experience. I hope that comes out the right way, no doubt about it, Pizza was awesome. Anyway, so was her sister and it seems she had a warm heart, talents galore and a good sense of humor. She died earlier this year. She was 100 and the last of her siblings to go.

She and her sister are now next to each other. I heard someone ask the great aunt’s daughter if she saw the buzzards catching the breeze over the cemetery. It was decided that it was the two sisters checking out who came to the service. It’s probably true.

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