This weekend

I got home today and told the better-half that I like working so much that I think I’ll only take one day off this week.

‘Tis true. I’ll be taking Saturday off and then leaving the fair city bright and early on Sunday with four colleagues. We’re loading up the Lincoln and heading to DC (my apologies to the Rappin’ Duke).

We’re going to the ASTD International Conference with 9,000 of our besties. I have been to conferences before, but I’m sure this will be the largest one. I’ve tried to pack my schedule with educational sessions so I don’t have to roam the Expo hall for too long. Because thousands of people also roaming the hall is not a happy-scene for me. I did promise my new co-worker that I’d hit up some booths for him. I plan on picking up some swag and then we can split the spoils when I get back to work on Thursday.

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