Not Yet

So, our leaves still sit in the street. One day my prince leaf truck will come. New mega recycle bins were doled out today and we did not get one. I’m a little sad because we are recycling fiends. Oh well, next round of bins will surely correct that. Or, there is something about our side of the street that is cursed–mountains of leaves and no new recycle bins.

This morning, at 4am, there was a noise in the kitchen best described as 4 wind chimes being thrown on a concrete pad. The culprit was in our bedroom faster than you can say “wha?”. The better-half channeled his grandmother and said “what in the world”–that phrase tickles me to no end–and then we went downstairs to see some items on the floor (the noise was likely my travel coffee mug) and other things strewn about the counter. The faucet was on. The faucet, people, was on.

We turned off the faucet and went back to bed.

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