The Deal

So this is what I do for a living: I’m a curriculum developer for a small project that’s been running for 20 years. We’re a partnership between a university’s school of social work and the state’s department of social services. I write classroom training and someone else delivers it. Also, I’ve either been the lead writer or supporting writer on seven online courses in the six years I’ve been with the project.

Right now as our contract runs out, I’m working on a transfer of learning effort, an evaluation of an existing course, the revamping of three courses (possibly four), an online course and the maintenance on other courses. I’m also the go to person for a half dozen other projects that crop up. In other words, instead of the usual lull as the fiscal year runs out, I’m busy as f*ck.

We had one person in our unit leave last week. She starts her new job tomorrow. Awesome news, really, and I’m happy for her. That leaves one other person who does what I do, my supervisor and an editor on our team. The editor is out on medical leave for a month. So, if we have anything to post to our library while she’s gone I’m probably going to do it (that’s one of those half dozen other things).

Which brings me to the other person who does what I do. She’s basically turned into the person who can’t be trusted, who isn’t working, who lies and is a general pain in the ass. She’s done this before when we had layoffs–she was laid off and then when we were flush with cash we rehired her–and she’s doing it again. My supervisor can’t really do anything with her and so my supervisor and I are going to try to fulfill the rest of the work plan with essentially half of the staff as when we began our year.

I gently suggested yesterday that if the deadbeat co-worker really does walk out the door that we should ask for a reduction in our deliverables because it’s just wrong for two people to have to do the work of 5. I’m good, but not that good. Plus, how am I supposed to burn some leave if I’m buried under work?

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1 Response to The Deal

  1. Maria says:

    That’s a raw deal if you ask me!

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