Short, Sharp, Shocked

Lest you think all I do is complain about the work situation, fear not. I complain about other things. Here’s a list:

    The apartment neighbors coming home past midnight or waking up past midnight to attend to the kid who stomps. Seriously, they need to shut up.
    People who don’t realize it is, IN FACT, all about me.
    People who use all caps for no reason.
    People who “reply all” weeks after the conversation is over and the “reply all” wasn’t really necessary to begin with.
    People who don’t answer emails. I’m not asking the question for my health.
    Stupid people are stupid.
    People who answer a survey about a specific course and they tell me crap about courses I don’t even think we offer at work.
    The massive bone outside my apartment window. It’s like a brontosaurus fell down dead outside my window.
    People who make lists about one thing and then end up including work stuff even though she said she wouldn’t.
    The lack of bumper car bumpers on my car so I can push people out of the way.
    The lack of my car’s ability to puff up like a puffer fish so the moron drivers who cut me off will be able to see my displeasure. A little squid ink thrown in would be an excellent upgrade.
    Having to do math when I do not like having to do math.

Not cranky about this and I forgot his handsome face was in it:

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