Because it’s Friday and because I found a Billie Holiday song

When I worked for a bank, I sat for awhile in a narrow room that contained a scanning station and a very expensive, very cutting edge piece of equipment. I was in charge of that piece of equipment and aside from how cool it was and the killer views of the corner where there was a car accident a week*, there was nothing much special about that room.

I had a cheap radio in there and had a mix tape (back when the mix tape was a cassette) that I’d pop in every once in awhile. One day I put on some Billie Holiday. A co-worker came in and was astounded and really excited that I even knew who Billie Holiday was. We stopped talking and finished listening to the song.

* Seriously, 7th and Franklin in Richmond used to have a car accident a week. We’d all pile into the available windows to see what happened after hearing the crash.

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