I Haz Complaints

I’m halfway through my summer courses. There’s one course that is specifically designed for people who are K-12 teachers who want to be instructional technologists at their schools. Hooray for them. It’s too bad the assignments don’t take into account the rest of us who are taking the class.

I’m sure the GTA who has to read my assignments (and there are assignments due every other day) is sick of hearing about my non-traditional classroom examples. Whatevs. I’m tired of having to convert everything I read and write into something that meets my needs. At least I’m getting some ideas for new techniques so my interest level is still pretty high.

The other two classes are fascinating. They are about audio and video. I’m a horrible videographer. I just hope my critiques of how bad my videos are wins some points because the movies I’m creating certainly won’t. There are reasons why people pay to go to film school. I suppose I’ll also get some credit for improvement.

In other news, the heat is getting on my nerves. We’re still two weeks away from summer. What happened to the crazy, zany idea of spring?

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