A Truck Driver

Last night was Nut2′s graduation from pre-school. She was dressed in a girly dress with a matching head band. That’s an important detail for what’s to follow.

The pre-school is the same one that Nut1 went to and the graduation ceremony hasn’t changed that much. Some, if not all, of the songs are the same and there was the cuteness factor of the kids. The final part of the ceremony is when the kids get their diplomas and are asked what they want to be when they grow up.

There are lots of firefighters and race car drivers. There was one kid who said he wanted to be a dentist. And, then there was Nut2 looking as girly-girl as I’ve ever seen her. She said she wants to be a truck driver.

You know what happened next, right? My heart grew three sizes.

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3 Responses to A Truck Driver

  1. Maria says:

    What a girl! She never ceases to amaze us!

  2. Liz says:

    That is pretty darn cute! Actually, there isn’t much cuter than a little girl. (Hey there! I have to get caught up. I have moved and so much has changed and it may be time to start writing again…just have to find the motivation.)

  3. Frog says:

    Please start writing again. Been wondering what’s up!

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