I slink down the alley way looking for a fight

We were away for a long weekend this weekend and the neighborhood kid took care of the cats. We pay her for three cats even though there’s really only one full-time indoor cat, but you may remember we have something like 450 cats* roaming around our back yard. Jim wanted out before we left and since it’s very hard to explain the concept of we’re going to be gone for several days to him, we let him out. He’s been iffy lately on being around anyway and we thought it would be best to let him do his own thing for a few days. He would have just made a jerk out of himself had he been locked up for days on end.

Jim went to the vet for his annual check up the other week and except for one shot (the vet likes to space the shots out), he’s up-to-date. Won’t Jim be disappointed if his other family takes him to the vet and he has to have his temperature taken again? Hey, we try to convince him to stick around the house, but he’s hard headed.

Now, about those 450 cats. Every time we go out the back door cats come running because they think it’s snack time, feed time, or oh-I-don’t-know-but-it-will-be-awesome time. This afternoon I walked out of the garage door and no one batted an eye while I did whatever it was I did. When I went back into the house, I opened the back door so Simon could go outside. 450 cats rushed the door. Simon does not approve of those shenanigans so he usually leaps over kittens or puts the paw of doom on them as he goes by.

Just a little bit ago, I tried to coax Simon in so he could have some Fancy Feast and because there was the rush (I think one cat actually flew through the air) for the door, Simon was not interested in making his way in at that exact moment. I walked out onto the steps to herd the gaggle out of the way and three kittens slipped into the house. Fuzzy went in and herded the kittens back outside. No lie. He shepherded them outside as if I asked him to take care of the miscreants. He should have gotten the Feast, but Simon is one lucky boy.

* Seriously, it’s only 449 cats.

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1 Response to I slink down the alley way looking for a fight

  1. Liz says:

    Simon is very lucky.

    Love the Stray Cat Strut reference.

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