Sunday walk

Last Sunday we finally took a walk from our neighborhood to Bryan Park. I have to let you in on a secret. I have not been there since I was a young child. And, I’m really not sure how much time I’ve ever spent on foot there. Back in the day, Bryan Park was known for its brilliant azalea display every spring. There are roads throughout the park so that’s why I’m not sure I’ve ever walked around there before. If I did it was a very long time ago, because nothing was familiar.

If you didn’t pay attention to the highway traffic, some of the paths are really quite nice:

When I saw the sign for a meadow, we took that path only to find these:

We think they are in the grape family. But who knows (updated 11/29-I think it might be a variation on smilax). After we walked through the “meadow” which seemed like brambles to me, we found the soccer fields which were filled with men playing league games. I commented on how Nut 2 should watch a game because the goalies were very busy.

We ended up going out the main gate to take a different way home and I thought this was a beautiful scene (check out that sky):

After our walk, we ran some errands and then had dinner. For dessert, we tried this:

It doesn’t look like much and the name makes me snicker, but it was pretty tasty.

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