As If

I just deleted a spam comment advertising a writing service. You know, we’ll write your paper for you on any topic. Um. Oh hell no. Kids, do your own work. I can also tell you that the folks who work in book stores will be judging you when you buy Cliff’s Notes or any of those other “study guides”. How about you just read the book and think your own thoughts. Especially affluent teens who have all summer to get through the book list. Don’t wait until August to hustle in and buy up the guides and then never crack the spine on the actual reading assignment. I’m pretty sure the teachers are onto you and the book store employees have your number too.

We took down our Christmas wreath today. We were basically waiting for the batteries to die in the light sets. One died a few days ago and the other was but a mere shade of itself. I took the lights off and was going to take apart the wreath to recycle the metal frame and let the wildlife have the greens. Whoever made that wreath wasn’t the fooling around type. There were so many wires holding that thing together that I dumped it in the super can.

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