Appropriate Weather

It’s the middle of November and it finally feels like it here in central Virginia. Yesterday, I swapped out my dresser drawers subbing in sweaters for my t-shirts and shorts. As I said to the better-half yesterday, people drive to the mountains to look at the leaves changing color, but we don’t have to do that. The neighborhood was amazing yesterday with the oaks and maples putting on a show for the Richmond Marathoners.

Last week, our CEO gave my team a shout out during his town hall. I ran up the back stairs and knocked on his door to thank him. We’re a small enough organization and the building was running on mostly empty so I felt fine with doing that. I told him how much that meant since we’ve really been trying to build ourselves out and up. I’m glad people are noticing all the work we’ve been putting in.

I don’t have a clever way to tie these two paragraphs together so bye :)

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