Category Archives: Generic Thoughts

2022: the year of meh

The better-half and I were talking about this year and neither of us could come up with outstanding highs. Nor were there any very lows. This year just kind of happened. At least it did for us. I know your … Continue reading

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Holy Jolly, yeah!

We’re having a few folks around this afternoon to celebrate the holiday season. Our idea for food is finger foods and there’s really no theme, just all the things we think sound good/taste good. We are breaking the rule of … Continue reading

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Just a typical day

It’s a rainy day and this is a usual photo opportunity on a day like this. She’s going to be sad tomorrow when we both go back to work.

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New York trip

A few weeks ago I took the train north to NYC to visit my oldest niece (known on these pages as Nut1). She has been working at an internship all summer and I thought it would be fun to visit. … Continue reading

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Relaxing, we are

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Sneaking in under the wire

We decided to move our trip to Florida to early May. I’m disappointed, but thankful we can move the trip without too much trouble. I was talking to a member of my team today and she and I laughed at … Continue reading

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Oh January

Omicron is running rampant. I looked at the NY Times COVID map yesterday and nearly every state is brick red or purple. That’s not good. We made plans back in the summer to go to Key West at the end … Continue reading

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Coming into the home stretch

I don’t know what burned out feels like, but I may be close to it. Instead of blaming the never ending pandemic, being back in the office full-time while worrying about area COVID numbers, managing a team that is mostly … Continue reading

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Appropriate Weather

It’s the middle of November and it finally feels like it here in central Virginia. Yesterday, I swapped out my dresser drawers subbing in sweaters for my t-shirts and shorts. As I said to the better-half yesterday, people drive to … Continue reading

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September, we hardly knew you

Here we are at the end of September. I don’t know what happened to the month. We went to our first concert since January of 2020 and it was so nice to have big sound wash over us. The outdoor … Continue reading

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